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SuperOffice enables centralisation and streamlined processes

Ibo Boekestijn Head of Computerisation

The Challenge

Van der Windt Verpakking develops, sells and distributes plastic and cardboard packaging and disposables.

The packaging group works together with regionally-operating retailers and supplies generally directly from stock with its fleet of 16 lorries. Before Van der Windt Verpakking started using SuperOffice, it used the standard facilities available in the Office packages. Van der Windt Verpakking had put the emphasis on the sales department, as it was here that the greatest challenges lay. A lot of information was fragmented in the organisation, so that there was a lack of structure when following up sales opportunities. This meant that the sales personnel could not record and report properly and the management was unable to manage the sales personnel adequately. A uniform working method was needed, in which all sales personnel record, follow and score sales opportunities in the same way. Management needed be able to report on this easily so that no offers were lost.

Thanks to the uniform working method Van der Windt Verpakking is able to work more efficiently and has improved efficiency by at least 10%.

Ibo Boekestijn

The Solution

Van der Windt Verpakking started using SuperOffice in 2005. SuperOffice was initially used by 80 staff in the sales department.

To ensure that the internal sales department and field staff also have all the relevant data available, a link was made between the Van der Windt Verpakking back office (Impuls) and SuperOffice. Van de Windt Verpakking was able to embed SuperOffice in the organisation quickly and in a structured manner. The internal department can now look at all data quickly and centrally and the field staff can call up all the data on a client in the office or in the car. Reporter Studio is used by the management and Van der Windt Verpakking has itself created a set of reports, so that it can measure and manage sales easily.

The Results

With SuperOffice Van der Windt Packaging has a tool in-house that it can use to create a uniform working method.

There is a central client profile and everyone knows what is happening with his or her client. According to Ibo Boekestijn, head of computerisation: SuperOffice enables centralisation and streamlined processes. Where previously we could miss an offer, we can now look at all current offers in a simple manner.

  • Fast adoption due to user friendliness
  • A central platform that is accessible to everyone
  • Improved efficiency of daily work by at least 10%
  • Fast integration with back office