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How to leverage CRM data to create targeted marketing campaigns

How to leverage CRM data to create targeted marketing campaigns

91% of companies (with 11 or more employees) now use CRM software.

While many of these companies use their CRM to help them manage their sales pipeline, they’re missing out on other ways their CRM can help them grow their business.

That’s because the data in your CRM is a valuable resource that can be leveraged to help you develop high-converting targeted marketing campaigns and customer loyalty programs.

Not sure where to start when it comes to using your CRM data more effectively?

In this article, we’ll examine why CRM data, targeted campaigns, and loyalty programs are a great source of growth in your business and how you can make yours more effective.

To kick things off, let’s look at why CRM data is crucial to growing business revenue.

Why is CRM data so important?

74% of businesses say using a CRM gives them better access to marketing, sales, and service data.

Better access to data 74%

Examples of data you might expect to find in a typical B2B CRM include;

  • Contact details for key client stakeholders
  • Company information for the businesses you sell to
  • Lead insights to help you understand their current status
  • Communications history to see how they’ve interacted with your company
  • Sales data to give you insights into purchases and transactions
  • Customer service records to keep track of previous issues
  • Notes from sales reps summarizing previous calls or meetings
  • Renewal information to help you monitor renewal dates and opportunities

Access to all this data in one place gives you a 360-degree view of your customers, helping you understand individual customers regardless of their stage in the customer journey.

This can help you influence B2B marketing and sales, ongoing customer service, your relationship with your customers, and, ultimately, churn rates and retention.

Understanding, in detail, who your customers are and how they engage with your company also gives you insights that you can use to create high-converting targeted campaigns.

Why do targeted marketing campaigns matter?

71% of customers prefer to receive targeted marketing vs. mass marketing.

These focused campaigns allow you to demonstrate to prospects and customers that you understand them and their specific needs.

For the best results, you should use CRM data to tailor your marketing campaigns to specific types of customers as much as possible.

71% prefer targeted

Examples of the types of targeted marketing campaigns you could consider sending include;

  • Upsell campaigns for people who engage with content about new product features
  • Lead nurturing campaigns for people at specific stages of the sales funnel
  • Customer retention campaigns for people due for renewal or at risk of churn
  • Account-based campaigns to help you target specific new customers
  • Event campaigns to follow up with attendees or invite specific people to a new event

Meeting your customers where they’re at, with timely campaigns relevant to their current customer journey phase, is a great way to lay the foundations of customer loyalty.

However, you should also run a customer loyalty program to make the most of it.

Why should you run a customer loyalty program?

More than 90% of companies now have a customer loyalty program.

It’s easy to see why: 84% of consumers say they’re likelier to stick with brands that have a customer loyalty program.

In B2B, customer loyalty programs are all about adding value to the overall customer experience in a bid to build stronger relationships and retain customers in the long term.

84% stick with customer loyalty programs

Examples of how you could achieve this for your customers include;

  • Discounts for volume or repeat orders.
  • Additional support, enhanced SLAs, or dedicated account managers.
  • Showcasing new products and features in advance before they are released.
  • Developing exclusive events and inviting your best customers to attend.
  • Faster service delivery or priority on accessing services
  • Bespoke product customizations, training, or consulting.

Developing a program to increase customer loyalty will help you retain existing business and increase growth through expansion and referrals.

But how can you use CRM data to help roll out (or improve) your customer loyalty programs and targeted marketing campaigns?

How to use CRM data to enhance targeted campaigns

Research from McKinsey shows that data-driven companies are 23X more likely to acquire customers, 6X more likely to retain them, and 19X more likely to be profitable.

The trouble is that data by itself isn’t enough to achieve business results - you need to use it in ways that will have an impact on what your business is doing.

6x retention

With this in mind, here are four ways you can use CRM data to enhance how your business runs targeted campaigns and customer loyalty programs.

1. Segment your customers 

When it comes to targeted marketing campaigns and customer loyalty programs, there is no such thing as ‘one size fits all’.

To help you understand who you should target and what you should offer them, you will need to segment your customer data into more manageable groups of customers.

Looking at behaviors like buying patterns or referrals and preferences in terms of how they interact and engage with your business, you’ll be able to pinpoint unique segments to target.

For example, you may want to run a targeted retention campaign to a segment of customers who meet the following criteria:

  • Have been customers for > 1 year
  • Have 10+ licenses for your software
  • Have not logged in to your product for > 14 days

Meanwhile, you can also identify specific segments to approach about your customer loyalty program. One such segment may look like this:

  • Are a mid-market customer
  • Are in the EMEA region
  • Have been a customer for 6+ months
  • Have already expanded or placed repeat orders

Segmentation types

2. Make your marketing messages more personal

As we’ve already discussed, almost three-quarters of customers prefer to receive personalized marketing rather than generic mass-market campaigns.

You can use CRM data to personalize the content of your campaigns to prevent them from feeling impersonal and failing to resonate with your customers.

This goes beyond including the recipient’s name at the start of the email - it should feel like you’ve crafted a message specifically for their use case.

The types of CRM data points you can use to help personalize your marketing messages include;

  • The industry they work in
  • The stage of the customer lifecycle they’re in
  • Specifics on recent engagements with your company
  • How long they’ve been a customer
  • Areas of interest expressed during sales or service calls
  • Previous purchases
  • Follow-ups on recent browsing in the knowledge base

This is just an example. When it comes to personalizing your marketing messages with CRM data, you can be as creative and strategic as you want.

The main thing to note is that personalizing your marketing communications can help improve conversion by as much as 42% compared to generic messaging.

Personalization impacts conversion

3. Send campaigns at the perfect time

Holding information on your customers in your CRM means you know who they are, where they’re based, and how long they’ve been active customers.

You can use this information to your advantage by sending the right targeted campaigns to them at the right time.

Instead of thoughtless and robotic messaging sent to everyone at the same time, you can use your CRM data to run more sophisticated campaigns, such as: 

  • Sending emails during their time zone to maximize visibility and open rates
  • Running renewal campaigns based on their contract data
  • Reaching out to customers during quieter times of the year for them
  • Targeting repeat purchases X days or months after the last purchase

Communicating with your customers at just the right time will enhance their experience and reinforce the idea that you understand them and their business.

email campaign

4. Launch retargeting ads for new and existing customers

As great as your product or service is, it will not always be front of mind for your prospects or existing customers.

Sometimes, even the best-fit customers need a little reminder about what you can do for them, regardless of their stage in the customer journey.

The good news is that your CRM hosts a wealth of information on how your customers have engaged with your company - particularly online.

Using that data alongside retargeting technology means you can run ads to help your prospects and customers pick up where they left off. 

Retargeting ads

You can use your CRM to record behavioral scenarios like:

  • Existing customers viewing the landing page for your new product
  • Prospects visiting the pricing page for your main product
  • Customers reading pages on how to upgrade
  • Top-of-funnel early prospects reading your blog posts

This data can then be used to create highly specific adverts to re-target these visitors and entice them to come back and revisit your site to take action.

Consider including discounts, limited-time offers, or other compelling propositions to encourage your customers to click on the ads.

Of course, managing targeted campaigns and customer loyalty programs requires the right tools and data.

So, consider a CRM to help you capture and surface the right customer data and power your targeted marketing campaigns and customer loyalty programs.

How can a CRM help you run targeted marketing campaigns?

Targeted marketing campaigns help you get the right message in front of the right group of customers to help your offer truly resonate and maximize the chances of conversion.

Meanwhile, customer loyalty programs are designed to add value to your most important customers during their journey with you - and communicate this value to them.

However, for these campaigns to be successful, you need access to the right data gathered across the customer journey.

To guarantee that your marketing, sales, and service teams are all working together to gather customer data effectively, you’ll need a central source of truth to store it in.

A unified CRM platform like SuperOffice helps bring together marketing, sales, and service data to create a 360° view of the customer and their experience with your company.

SuperOffice offers several features to help you gather data and enhance your targeted campaigns and customer loyalty programs, including;

  • Enhanced filtering and segmentation to target specific types of customers
  • Advanced marketing and personalization options to tailor every message
  • Consistent messaging across multiple touchpoints like chat, email, and portals
  • Easy to use automation to deliver messages exactly when customers need them
  • And much, much, more…

Ready to create incredible targeted campaigns and loyalty programs leveraging CRM data?

Book a demo of SuperOffice today and learn how a single CRM platform can help you gather customer data and use it to create compelling campaigns that convert.

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